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Bo Yang's Discourse of Jiang Gang Culture,1960-1968
作者 陳聖屏
At first, Bo yang thinks the Chinese traditional culture rooted in Taiwan in the 1960s, which not only triggered various social problems, but hindered economic developments and modernization as well. In addition, he categorizes the Taiwanese cultural elites into two opposite groups: one, the conventional, Confucian and moralized elites; the other, the modernized, Westernized intellectuals. These two groups respectively correspond to two positions: the former one in favor of Cultural conservatism; the latter one for complete Westernization. In Bo yang's perspective, the advocates of these two claims do not meet the society's need, because the former one resist every necessary reforms, while the latter one only try to carry out the trivial Westernization without transforming the essence of the Chinese culture. Moreover, Bo yang finds that many harmful factors intrinsic in the Chinese traditions instead facilitated the prevalence of Marxism in China, which finally led to the CCP's overwhelming victory in 1949. Still, the Chinese culture lacks the fundamental factors of Marxism, for instance, the materialistic dialectics, the political philosophy of ”constant struggle,” and that is why Bo yang calls Marxism ”the vat of brimstone”, opposite to ”the vat of soy sauce” (jiang gang) which crystallizes the Chinese traditional culture. Finally, in his arguments about the cultural discourse of jiang gang, Bo yang focuses on the causes not only from the ideology (Confucianism), but also from the social structure (bureaucrat-ruling society). As a mainstream ideology, Confucianism has this social structure more stable, justifies despotism, and becomes the prerequisite that it is erroneous to adhere to justice and defy the authority.
起訖頁 147-197
關鍵詞 柏楊醬缸現代化馬克思主義儒家官僚Bo yangjiang-gangmodernizationMarxismConfucianismbureaucrat
刊名 思與言  
期數 201103 (49:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 殷海光的終極關懷、文明反思與「人」的理念
該期刊-下一篇 林毓生「創造性轉化」對五四自由思想的批判與繼承




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