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Party Education VS Public Education: Education Discusses in the 'Free China'
作者 何卓恩
Education independence from politics is the basic direction of the social transformation in modern China, but with the rise of the revolutionary wave, education is increasingly controlled by some political parties. After the implementation of the ROC Constitution in 1948, which should have paved the way for the freedom of education, the political situation appeared serious standoff between the mainland China and Taiwan as a result of the civil war, and the party- controlled education get more obvious. But in Taiwan area, liberal intellectuals had been fighting for public spaces of cultural and educational and criticizing the party-controlled education until the transformation of Taiwan's political and the initial implementation of culture and education public space. In 1950s, the Nationalist Party re-established its party-monopolized education in Taiwan. Liberal intellectuals, through their semimonthly Free China, launched an overall and illuminating attack on the content and organization of the party-monopolized education, and raised some important points about of public space in culture and education. Although there were some limitations on views of the Free China, and the semimonthly failed to avert the education policy of the Nationalist Party, the struggle that had started, which drew its strength from sheer personality, had paved the way for future development that finally led to the independence of education in Taiwan dozens of years later.
起訖頁 45-80
關鍵詞 黨化教育《自由中國》知識份子公共空間Party Educationthe Free ChinaLiberal intellectualsPublic space
刊名 思與言  
期數 201103 (49:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 ⋘民主評論⋙的新儒家與⋘自由中國⋙的自由主義者關係變化初探:以徐復觀與殷海光為中心的討論
該期刊-下一篇 一位自由主義者的戰爭




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