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Initial Exploration of the Relationship Change between New-Confucianism of 'The Democratic Review' andLiberalists of 'Free China': Taking Hsu Fu-Kuan and Yin Hai-guang as the Focuses
作者 蘇瑞鏘
”The Democratic Review” and ”Free China's” background of beginning publication was similar, their goals of democracy and anti-communism were the same, and the personal friendship among the main members in their early years was good, but why did the relation deteriorate later? The thesis analyzed the change of mutual relationship from the dimensions of internal differences of philosophic and cultural standpoints, external change of political situation, and personal conflict. Among them, the visual angle of external change of political situation was the dimension that previous researchers' did little analysis. The thesis believed that the original philosophic and cultural standpoints of ”The Democratic Review” and ”Free China” already had contradiction. However, in the beginning of 1949 when they began publication, Chinese Communist Regime was the two periodicals' common ”major contradiction, ”and the differences of philosophic and cultural standpoints were only ”minor contradiction. ” Yet after mid 1950s, in Taiwan the thread from Chinese Communist Regime obviously lessened, and the ”minor contradiction” of philosophic and cultural standpoints originally existed between ”The Demoratic Review” and ”Free China” thus leaped to be the ”major contradiction,” and therefore, both parties' relationship gradually deteriorated. Moreover, owing to personal conflict among the members of two periodicals, the intense controversy of democracy and tradition exploded finally in late 1950s, resulting in both parties’ formal breakup.
起訖頁 7-44
關鍵詞 民主評論自由中國徐復觀殷海光The Democratic ReviewFree ChinaHsu Fu-KuanYin Hai-Guang
刊名 思與言  
期數 201103 (49:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 自由的歷史建構:「臺灣自由主義傳統的歷史建構」專輯.小引
該期刊-下一篇 黨化教育vs公共教育:⋘自由中國⋙的教育論述




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