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The Parliamentary Democracy in Germany: From the Weimar Constitution to the Basic Law
作者 沈有忠
The goal of Germany's constitutional development from 19 century is to establish a parliamentary democracy. The relationship between the executive and legislature was asymmetric and the executive power was even stronger although the parliamentary thought emerged from 19 century. Until the beginning in 20 century, the monarchy was breakdown because the failure of the First World War. And the Weimar Constitution was deemed as the first parliamentary constitution of Germany. However, the Weimar Constitution was a product with the compromise. The potential superiority of the executive was still within the constitution. It was even the institutional factor which caused Adolf Hitler to obtain the regime. The Basic Law after the Second World War was still adopted with a goal to reach a parliamentary democracy. And the Weimar Constitution was the most important experience. This paper tries to discuss the evolutional parliamentary democracy from the Weimar Constitution to the Basic Law within the designs such as the constructive non-confidence vote, confidence vote, election of the president, and the dissolution of parliament etc. We believe that the Basic Law wishes to establish a parliamentary democracy on the basic of a party-state.
起訖頁 27-65
關鍵詞 德國議會民主威瑪憲法基本法政黨國家Germanyparliamentary democracyWeimar ConstitutionBasic Lawparty-state
刊名 思與言  
期數 200909 (47:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 服從權威是邪惡的根源嗎?
該期刊-下一篇 法國地方自治團體之角色垂直分權之制衡?




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