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Is Evil Banal? Problems of Obedience to Authority
作者 吳乃德
Prosecuting the perpetrators of the previous repressive regime is one of the main tasks of transitional justice. As every country varies in its situation of political repression and configuration of political forces in the new democratic stage, the approach to this work also varies. Whatever the approach is, a no less important work is to understand the perpetrators and also the origins of their evil behaviors. This understanding, and also the reflection and lessons which follow, may serve as important foundations for a democratic culture. This paper discusses Hannah Arendt's concept of ”banality of evil” as a starting point. It points out that Arendt is wrong in her understanding of her subject, Adolf Eichmann, as an ordinary person and that the latter had committed the crime simply out of obeying the order. The latter in fact was a strong anti-Semitist, as we now know. Hence her explanation of radical evil in terms of blind obedience to authority is also wrong. She however contributes greatly to democratic culture in raising the issue and challenging the ordinary citizens to face an unjust authority with self reflection and even resitance.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 轉型正義加害者邪惡權威鄂蘭納粹大屠殺艾緒曼族群偏見transitional justiceperpetratorevilauthorityHannah ArendtNazi HolocaustEichmannanti-Semitism
刊名 思與言  
期數 200909 (47:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-下一篇 德國議會民主的發展:從威瑪憲法到基本法




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