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Self-Defense under the Idea of Peace-Japan's Constitution, Article 9 as an Example
作者 陳佳慧 (Chia-Hui Chen)
The principle idea of Japan's Constitution is ”peace”. In the Japan's Constitution, Article 9, which emphasize not keeping any arm force, giving up the rights to war, and focus on the peace-living had made Japan's Constitution very unique. However, how can a country protect itself, self-defense at the same time while emphasizing peace so much is a very interesting question. How to find a balance between peace, anti-war, and the rights to self-defense has become an important issue need to be addressed. Especially, in the Japan's Constitution, Article 9, points out the idea of ”giving up the rights to war”. Is that means to give up the right to self-defense as well? Or you can still use arm force and the right to self-defense to make peace? Everybody has different ideas on this topic. The issue of conflicts between the right to self-defense, giving up the rights to war, and not keeping any arm force has become very complicated and need to be discussed. This is what I intent to do in this article. By re-discussing the meaning of peace, the right to self-defense, and find out the structure and appropriate way to address all these issues, hopefully we can find some answers.
起訖頁 93-132
關鍵詞 和平權自衛權日本憲法第九條right to peaceright to self-defensethe Japan's ConstitutionArticle 9
刊名 思與言  
期數 200809 (46:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 逆水行舟的憲政臺灣解嚴二十年回顧憲法來時路
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣佛教信眾的放生態度與行為:宗教信念與生態認知的影響




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