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American Studies in Asia-Pacific: International Exchanges in Japan after the WWII
作者 羅家德洪緯典胡凱焜
During the Cold War era, Japanese America specialists systematically had dialogues with Asian-Pacific specialists. How and why did they do that? And now, why have the exchange declined gradually? Ⅰ believe, basically, there are two ways of exchanging views in American studies in Japan: one is to have domestic dialogue among Japanese scholars; the other is to have international dialogue with specialists from other countries. However, the exchange of views among Japanese scholars becomes more important since it is easy for them to do so. As a result, the Asia-Pacific centered dialogue is declining Since the World War Ⅱ, there has been a great development in American studies in Japan. The only question that Japan’s American specialists keep in mind is: how to understand the United States totally and comprehensively? ”Inter-disciplinarity” has been highly regarded by them. Inter-disciplinarity then had the following two meanings: to have better understand of the United States totally, (1) the research subject should not be limited to the existing academia, but should be expanded without any limit, and (2) researchers should not limit their standpoints to a certain academia, instead, they should relativize their standpoints without any limitation. Based on this observation, the dialogues between Japanese America specialists and Asian-Pacific scholars have the nature of second category. In another word, having compared American studies in Japan with that in Asia-Pacific region, Japanese America specialists wanted to find out the advantages and disadvantages, the potentiality and limitation for them to do American Studies in Japan. I believe that, then, Japanese America specialists tend to understand their potentiality and limitation mainly by exchanging views among themselves. They came to believe that they could realize the advantages and disadvantages of doing American Studies in Japan by improving the research system in Japan and increasing exchanges of views among themselves. Therefore, the international exchanges between Japanese America specialists and Asian-Pacific scholars have eventually declined.
起訖頁 95-131
關鍵詞 交易成本理論鑲嵌理論關係投資區位選擇城市競爭力Transaction Cost TheoryEmbeddedness TheorySocial RelationsOversea investment
刊名 思與言  
期數 200706 (45:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 香港與上海作為國際金融中心之比較
該期刊-下一篇 美國與中國的FTA經濟戰略之比較分析




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