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The Interpretation of Typical Characters in Ho Wen Yung's Short Story by the Psychoanalysis View
作者 張淵盛
This paper attempts to annotate the psychological complex of the growth course of Ho Wen Yung with the psychoanalysis theory of Freud. At the same time, probe into the creation motive why he wrote so, and the influence of the subconscious factor while his literature style is formed. Then, interpret the psychological meanings of the four kinds of typical characters in Ho Wen Yung's short story. After analysing, readers can understand that the soul fettering of the doctrine that enter a higher school of the education system, and the medical system with keen competition in Taiwan is the greatest pressure source in Ho Wen Yung's literature life. So, all sorts of absurd phenomena and oppression of human natures stemmed from the education system and medical system is the theme that Ho Wen Yung wrote repeatedly. These four kinds of typical characters in Ho Wen Yung's short story exactly demonstrate the self-depressing resistance and the query to value of succeeding in the soul world of Ho Wen Yung.
起訖頁 125-155
關鍵詞 白日夢佛洛伊德侯文詠類型人物精神分析daydreamFreudHo Wen Yungtypical charactersPsychoanalysis
刊名 思與言  
期數 200703 (45:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 京畿攻略中國當代詩歌版圖上的北京
該期刊-下一篇 族群通婚的身份認定與認同問題之研究:以花蓮地區原客通婚為例




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