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Marriage Immigrants' Human Rights in the Trend of Globalization: Globalization, Neo-Taiwanese Nationalism, and the Discourse over Human Rights
作者 廖元豪
Due to the lack of knowledge about international migration and globalization, plus the adoption of an anachronistic version of nationalism, Taiwans immigration law is a scheme simply to regulate immigrants, not to protect the rights thereof. The immigration legal scheme negatively and recklessly assumes that the newly arrived immigrants are the ”social problems”, ”intruder”, or ”resource predator”; it has never fully appreciated the causes and contributions of those immigrants. This article first analyzes how the current immigration discriminates against Taiwans newly-arrived marriage immigrants, and accordingly indicates that the existing immigration policy stands against the background of nativism. Then the author tries to figure out the origins of this sort of nativistic discrimination in light of the conflict between globalization and the emerging neo-Taiwanese nationalism. In terms of the analysis over globalization, this article offers a new background understanding of immigrants human rights; the author suggests that Taiwans immigration law should be revised accordingly.
起訖頁 81-129
關鍵詞 婚姻移民移民法全球化台灣新國族主義本土種族主義人權marriage immigrantimmigration lawglobalizationNeo-Taiwanese nationalismnativismhuman rights
刊名 思與言  
期數 200609 (44:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 法的規範性與現實變遷:法學研究的新興或困局?
該期刊-下一篇 從意識型態到經國治術福利國家作為國富民強之道




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