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The Traditional Knife Healing in Taiwan Research of Knife Healing Behavior
作者 朱倖儀
”Knife Healing” is one of folk treatments in Taiwan. Using keen chopper to chop on the body to cure diseases. This article propose ”why do people choose Knife Healing to cure their diseases and believe the efficiency of Knife Healing”? Firstly, why to choose ”Knife Healing” studies based on opinions among folk treatments, western and Chinese medicine, and ”Knife Healing” knowledge of patients and interaction of healers and patients and regional brief. Secondly, study how do ”Knife Healing” be convinced today? There are medical, internet, regional brief, psychology and some problems hidden behind the behave and social culture. Therefor, we interviewed ten patients who accepted the treatment of ”Knife Healing” and recorded not only the reasons that they chosen and process of ”Knife Healing” treatment, but also their viewpoints. Meanwhile, we also interviewed three ”Knife Healing” healers who used to be patients to know the goal of creating the ”Knife Healing” association and structure and operation of it. Further, we interview six doctors including herb doctors to know their opinions about ”Knife Healing” and help us to understand some medicine questions related to ”Knife Healing.” Finally, We find the patients cured by ”Knife Healing” interrelate very much among folk treatments, medical, knowledge, interaction of healers and patients and regional brief. Especially offering a good explain in reducing the paint in pathology after ”Knife Healing.” Apparently, common brief on both healers and patients cause well psychology and social efficiency on the treatment of ”Knife Healing.” When chopper is chopped on the patient, magic treatment has been resulted already. All of this should be belong to religion brief. The research of ”Knife Healing” fulfilled the possibility and important of the behavior of ”Knife Healing.” And also can provide academia and medicine for reference further.
起訖頁 189-241
關鍵詞 刀療法宗教刀療行為民俗醫療西方醫療傳統中醫另類醫療Knife HealingReligionThe behavior of Knife HealingTraditional medicineWestern medicineTraditional Chinese medicineAlternative medicine
刊名 思與言  
期數 200606 (44:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 高等教育在學率擴充的因素、類型與差異分析
該期刊-下一篇 文化史的由來、實踐及意義介紹兩本討論文化史的著作[Peter Burke著?Varieties of Cultural History?, ? What is Cultural History??]




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