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Ecological Thought and Politics: A Preliminary Study on Tainan's Conservation Movement in 1990s
作者 曾華璧
The theme of my paper is to investigate the influential factors on Tainans environmental movement in 1990s, and the merits of the movement. Tainans case deals with the conflict between ecologism and economic development. The location of the confrontation is in Qi-gu area. The argument is about whether the government should permit the Project of Binnan Industrial Construction in order to improve the living condition of local people, or should conserve the wetland as a habitat for the endangered species, so-called Blackface flat-beak crane. In my paper, Ⅰ discuss the issue from two perspectives of history: one is the policy of tidal land utilization since 1950, and the other is the execution of Kyoto Protocol on Feb.15, 2005. My research shows that the regulation on green house effect, and the conservation on wetland and endangered species, are so important and powerful ideas and cant be ignored. Therefore, under the global trend of environmental protection, the conservation issue in Taiwan cant break away from the logic of global environmental politics. The result, to change the former policy of tidal land utilization becomes natural and necessary. My paper argues that under the impact of the global trend of environmental protection and political dynamics in local society, the environmental politics of anti-Binnan movement in Tainan area has made the movement itself as the most complicated one in Taiwanese ecological movements since 1980s, however, we still have to wait for more historical development in the future to evaluate its achievement.
起訖頁 89-131
關鍵詞 南瀛反濱南運動濱南案七股濕地黑面琵鷺京都議定書Tainan Anti-Binnan movementthe Project of Binnan Industrial ConstructionBlackface flat-beak craneQi-gu WetlandKyoto Protocol
刊名 思與言  
期數 200606 (44:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 「現代史學派」與中國現代史學的「社會科學化」
該期刊-下一篇 高等教育在學率擴充的因素、類型與差異分析




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