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From Information Processing Paradigm to Embodied Cognition: Paradigm Shift in Expertise Research
作者 鍾蔚文陳百齡陳順孝
The present paper attempts to describe the routes we have traversed, the insights we have garnered, and the change of perspectives which have emerged during our decade-long study of expertise in information work with special attention to journalism. At the initial stage of the project we mainly, drew upon the information processing perspective, which focused upon the correspondence between mental representation and the outside world. Experts are distinguished from novices in terms of the quality of their representation. However, in the course of time we have gradually found the information processing approach dissatisf5iing. This led us to rethink the assumptions underlying the information processing approach, which we contend, may fail to capture the fluidity and flexibility of expertise. We have gradually come to the realization an epistemological re-evaluation, which takes into consideration of the embodied and distributed aspects of social interaction and knowledge may be needed to more fully account for the nature of expertise. At the same time our study of expertise has shifted attention to the experts interaction with contexts rather than representation alone.
起訖頁 101-130
關鍵詞 資訊處理專家體會之知情境知識Information processingexpertise embodimentcontextknowledgeDistributed cognitionrepresentationalismextended mind
刊名 思與言  
期數 200603 (44:1期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 身體感與時間性:以梅洛龐蒂解讀柏格森為線索
該期刊-下一篇 身外之身:⋘黃庭內景經⋙注中的兩種真身圖像




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