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The Feet of Leviathan: Fear and Pride
作者 陳瑞崇
This article intends to justify the following argument: what of both fear and pride create a Leviathan or state of war depends on people's deliberations on what a good life is and how it is possible. (1) The remarkable Hobbesian warlike human predicament emerges from the natural depravity of fear for death and of pride or vainglory. These two main human passions and their harmful representations in everyday life provide critical messages and situations for people to grasp the significance of political order and the risks of anarchy. Then they have good opportunities to make choices between to remain perilous freedom in state of nature and to become safe servitude in a sovereign state. (2) Hobbesian predicament existed in various kinds of human life with different scales and component of disorder. State of war and sovereignty states are the two opposite ends of the spectrum of Hobbesian predicament. (3) A critical-oriented political education, which advances by and to everyone in the society to identify the harmful capacities of fear and pride and to transform them into the beneficial ones, provides a reliable way to deliver from Hobbesian predicament and to open the gate to a possible better political order.
起訖頁 1-44
關鍵詞 利維坦恐懼驕傲自然狀態人性政治教育LeviathanFearPrideState of NatureHuman NaturePolitical Education
刊名 思與言  
期數 200512 (43:4期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
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