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Internet as a Medium of the Next Society: Outside the Interaction and Reading
作者 胡育祥
針對網路溝通,習以為常的看法是:一、網路溝通不過是電腦媒介應用範圍的擴大,而非一種質變。二、網路溝通擁有虛擬、社群、匿名、 身分流動的特性。三、網路溝通既是互動、也是閱讀。相對於此,本文主張網路溝通並非電腦社會的延伸,而是一種對它的超越,由此社會就邁向下一個形態。在這個新的社會形態中網路溝通既非虛擬、亦非匿名。而且它也擁有不同於互動和閱讀的運作原則:遠端資料回傳和只需1 位在場者在場。從這些原則出發,網路溝通引發了大量的期待落空,而各種網路溝通模式就以自己的方式處理這個檢驗失敗過剩的問題。在這個脈絡下,本文修正並發展Krämer、Luhmann、Baecker以及其他媒介理論家的預設和結論,為網路溝通或下一個社會建立初步的理論框架。
One usually thinks that internet communication is just an extension of application of the medium computer and it is essentially not different from the computer; that it has features of anonymity, community, virtuality and fragment of identities; and, last but not least, that it is both interaction and reading at the same time. On the contrary this article argues that the internet communication transforms the computer society into a totally different one: the next society. In this new society the internet communication is neither virtual nor anonymous. Differently from interaction and reading, it has its own principle of operation: return of remote data and presence of only one person. Therefore the internet communication leads to a large number of check-failures, with which its various modes deal in their own way. In this context, the author corrects and develops the premises and conclusions made by theorists like Sybille Krämer, Niklas Luhmann, Dirk Baecker and so on, and proposes a preliminary theoretical framework of internet communications or the next society.
起訖頁 1-41
關鍵詞 互動媒介網路閱讀檢驗失敗interactionmediuminternetreadingcheck-failure
刊名 社會分析  
期數 201108 (3期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
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