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Can Liquid "Community" be a Remedy to "The Mass in a Mist"?
作者 葉啟政
The purposes of this article are twofold. Firstly, it is oriented toward an analysis of the concept of "mass". Secondly, it is conducted to illuminate a view prevailing in the Western sociology, namely, "community" is a remedy to the mass in a mist which is supposed to be disintegrated and decayed. The answer to this statement is "negative". It is so because there is an incommensurability in structural logic between "mass" and "community" which means that there is no any track to make a possible transaction between these two notions, even though they are always conceived as two phenomena with a consecutive nature along the continuum of historical development in the European world. In particular, even the notion of "community" is still effective to be adopted in the modern society, it is surely not embodied with an ascribed nature of collective emotion commonly shared by the members of society as what always happened in the primitive society. Under the impetus of individualization in conjunction with rationalization as a predominant force in the modern society, "community" is rather built through the contractual promises among the people in the name of ideology, value or personal interest. The modern notion of "community", with a liquid nature, is thus instrumentally oriented and is formed through a process of achievement. Furthermore, it always presents itself in a changing mode along the line of intentionality generated by the people form time to time. It therefore drives to conclude that a "community" with a liquid nature can not serve as a remedy to "the mass in a mist" as some sociologists are looking forward to and so believe too.
起訖頁 51-96
關鍵詞 大眾共同體共同文化個體化集體情緒masscommunitycommon cultureindividualizationcollective emotion
刊名 社會分析  
期數 201008 (1期)
出版單位 東吳大學社會系;輔仁大學社會系;世新大學社會心理學系
該期刊-上一篇 資訊社會中的金融危機:論產業連動風險與社會信任危機
該期刊-下一篇 科學化?西醫化?台灣中醫發展的醫政分析




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