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Development and System Analysis of NGOs in China
作者 王名 (Ming Wang)
Using the wide definition of NGOs, this article gives a general view of the development and features of NGOs in China from both vertically historical and horizontally realistic perspectives. On this basis, it presents some related policy and briefly analyzes certain chances and challenges confronted in China. From the historical point of view, NGOs in China once had a period of glory since the Reform and Opening-up. In recent 20 years, China’s NGOs have experienced three development upsurges. From the point of reality, the total amount of NGOs in China is a huge group with highly diverse in organization forms and activity fields which have covered all dimensions of social lives. However, the structure of NGOs in China is showing significant unbalance, likely uneven regional distributions, limited territories, small sizes, which limited the exertion of their capacity. Meanwhile, some restrictions of regulations and political constitution show that there are still a number of serious issues to be settled on the development of NGOs in China. Thereby, the government needs to change the conventional concepts, strive to build a new management system of classified regulation, resource induction and behavior control, and simultaneously improve legislation, unified supervision, and focus on promoting the establishment of the new public service system which includes public service organizations.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 NGO社會團體監管公共服務NGOsocial organizationsupervisionpublic service
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 200709 (8期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 日本《NPO法》的實施對非營利組織發展之影響分析




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