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An Analysis of a Wishful Thinking Policy: Taking Hakka Cultural Parks in Taiwan as an Example
隨著族群意識的抬頭,各地客家人居住較密集的地方開始出現許多客家文化館舍的蹤影,「客家文化園區」(Hakka Cultural Park)尤甚。其中最受矚目的則是由政府大手筆撥款興建的兩座國家級文化園區(銅鑼與六堆),既象徵著國家對於客家族群的重視,亦描繪伴隨文化園區而來的地方觀光與產業發展的期待。中國大陸亦然,近年來紛紛在梅州、賀州等地砸下重金打造大型客家主題文化公園(cultural park),在「文化搭台,經濟唱戲」的思考軸線上,以作為世界客家文化的象徵地方式結合文化與觀光。然而,伴隨著台灣這些年來紛紛落成的客家文化設施有被譏為「蚊子館」的疑慮,文化園區亦無法免於檢視之列,期許文化園區保存、發揚族群文化,繼而帶來利潤的政策,如何落實?本文擬探究承載地方期待的客家文化園區之美麗與哀愁,首先探討國外文化園區的成功案例,並探討族群旅遊(ethnic tourism)與生態博物館(eco-museums)的議題;其次以網路資料為基礎,分析客家文化園區的現況與困境:從地點選定、廠商招標到營運討論,政府角色與介入政策所涉及的問題;最後,討論客家文化園區設置的理想、對客家文化的意義及同時發展地方經濟的目標,以進一步分析客家文化園區欲藉助文化帶動經濟的構想,是否僅為一個願望式的思維。
With the awakened consciousness of the ethnic groups, Hakka culture structural buildings start to appear in Hakka compact communities. Particularly showing on the list of cultural buildings are numerous "Hakka Cultural Parks," among which the two most flamboyant government-funded projects of national level are Tongluo and Liouduai. These two national-level cultural parks, which symbolizes the government's emphasis on Hakka culture, while also depicts the expectation on the accompanied development of local tourism and industries. The case with China is no exception. In recent years, great amount of funds are invested on large-scale Hakka Cultural Parks, such as ones in Meizhou and Hezhou, with the expectancy of becoming the world's symbolic place of Hakka culture, bringing economic development based on the combination of culture and tourism industry. However, not only these Hakka cultural buildings in Taiwan are being criticized as "Mosquito Museums", but also exempted from civic inspections. How can we carry out the expectation on the cultural parks to preserve and develop ethnic culture, and at the same time flourish business for the locals? This paper intends to explore the Hakka Cultural Parks that held great expectations from the locals. First, it will discuss successful examples of foreign cultural parks and explore discussions on ethnic tourism and eco-museums. Second, it will analyze the situation and predicament of Hakka Culture Parks, from the selection of sites, the tender of the operating companies, the government's role and the policies that is involved and the problem that has caused, using internet resources as base. Last, it will go back to the ideal of Hakka Cultural Park and the significance of Hakka culture, and the position and targets of the Hakka parks, proposing prospects and expectations on the future development of the parks.
起訖頁 29-53
關鍵詞 客家客家文化園區族群旅遊生態博物館HakkaHakka Cultural Parkethnic tourismeco-museum
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201007 (1期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-上一篇 客家族群的社會資本:實證調查結果的初步觀察
該期刊-下一篇 客家電視新聞處理型態之析探




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