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The Experience Analysis of Aurora Social Enterprise's Creation Process and Its Knowledge Creation
作者 陳秋政 (José Chiu-Cheng Chen)鍾美玲
For exploring the development process and management practice of social enterprise in Taiwan, Aurora Social Enterprise Co, Ltd was taken as the studying case in this article. The methods of literature review and in-depth interview had adopted for better presentation of social enterprise creating experiences, also for well explanation of knowledge creation and exchange, consensus establishment among members. For completing the research purpose, the Theory of Knowledge Creation proposed by Nonaka and Takeuchi had applied. Through the experiences of research case, challenges and solutions in the social enterprise creating process had learned. Research findings are explained below. Aurora Social enterprise Co., Ltd. has demonstrated the character of cyclic knowledge transformation in its creation process. The knowledge creation process starts from sharing of tacit knowledge among founding members. Then "concept creation, concept confirmation, prototype set up, multi-level knowledge diffusion" has happen in order. Time and communication play important roles in each stage of the knowledge creation process, which serve as the trigger to launch the "Knowledge Creation Spiral." "Ba"(情境)has created in the initial stage that is helpful to promote funding members' acceptance of the social enterprise concept in a short time. Besides, the recognition and discussion of social enterprise is not only a good way to accelerate concept diffusion, but also a positive feedback to accumulate the base of consensus establishment among members.
起訖頁 101-133
關鍵詞 社會企業知識創造過程知識創造螺旋光原社會企業瑪納有機生活協會social enterpriseknowledge creation processknowledge creation spiralAurora Social Enterprise Co.Ltd, Manna Organic Life Association
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 201003 (13期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 服務導向型組織公民行為之探索性研究




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