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The Exploratory Study of Service-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior
作者 吳肇展林容君
組織公民行為(organizational citizenship behavior, OCB)是指員工自發性的行為,該行為不受工作契約所限制,可以有效地促進組織的績效。組織公民行為發展至今已二十餘年,學者們將研究擴展至顧客服務領域,定義出服務導向型組織公民行為(service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors),這是組織公民行為之延伸,意指第一線服務人員與顧客接觸時所提供的服務,及其所表現的熱誠、盡責等態度,進而滿足顧客所需之組織公民行為。近幾年來,臺灣的非營利組織蓬勃發展,非營利組織專職人員以提供服務為主要工作,若其能表現出服務導向型的組織公民行為,便能有效地提升組織的績效和服務品質。本研究旨在探討非營利組織專職人員服務導向型組織公民行為之理論與實務,首先,運用文獻分析法探索非營利組織專職人員服務導向型組織公民行為之理論意涵;接著,再針對財團法人臺灣兒童暨家庭扶助基金會專職社工進行深度訪談,根據訪談內容進行分析,歸納出服務導向型組織公民行為在非營利組織管理與實務之應用。最後,針對非營利組織如何提升專職人員服務導向型組織公民行為之措施提出具體建議。
Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) is defined as the spontaneous behavior of the employee that contributes to organizational performance, but that is not formally specified as an aspect of the job. OCB has been developed more than 20 years. The scholars expanded it to the field of customer service and defined as service-oriented organizational citizenship behavior. It's the extension of OCB, and means that customer-contact employees engage in enthusiasm and responsible behaviors to satisfy customers. The non-profit organizations (NPOs) have developed quickly in recent years in Taiwan. The provision of service is the main task of the staffs who work in NPOs. Service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors that are performed by the staffs are helpful to improve the performance and service quality of NPOs effectively. The purpose of this study is to explore the theory and practice regarding service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors of non-profit organizational staffs. First, this study employs the documentary analysis to explore the theoretical implications of these behaviors from non-profit organizational staffs. Next, social workers who work in Taiwan Fund for Children and Families (T.F.C.F.) are interviewed in this study. Through the in-depth interviews, the managerial and practical applications of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors of non-profit organizational staffs are generalized. Finally, this study provides specific practices and suggests regarding the promotion of service-oriented organizational citizenship behaviors of non-profit organizational staffs.
起訖頁 69-89
關鍵詞 非營利組織服務導向型組織公民行為專職人員社會工作者non-profit organizationsservice-oriented organizational citizenship behaviorstaffssocial workers
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 201003 (13期)
出版單位 第三部門學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 國際社會企業組織與中國大陸草根性公民社會的發展
該期刊-下一篇 光原社會企業創設過程與知識創造之經驗分析




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