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An Analasis on the Accounting Manipulation of the U.S. Nonprofit Organizations
作者 池祥麟 (Hsiang-Lin Chih)陳培倫
Managers face a growing tendency among contributors and the public to equate financial efficiency with nonprofit organizational effectiveness. In order to favorably represent the entity's financial performance, the managers of nonprofit organizations (NPOs) may intentially misstate their financial information. Vesterlund (2003) suggests that NPOs often choose to announce past contributions, because it helps reveal their quality. If the past contributions, which NPOs announce, are higher, the NPOs are more likely to be regarded as the good type and receive more contributions thereby. But Vesterlund (2003) doesn't consider the possibility that NPOs will not necessarily report the contribution level truthfully, i.e., they inflate the level of past contributions to mislead donors. We examine the properties of reported revenue levels of the 1,400 U.S. UnitedWay between 1990 and 2001. Our results demonstrate part of these organizations are possibly engaged in revenue management by inflating past contributions, in order to lower the administrative cost ratio or to mislead their donors. Therefore, it's necessary to take this accounting manipulation behaviour into account, in the theoretical research on the topics of NPOs' announcement strategies.
起訖頁 25-57
關鍵詞 非營利組織盈餘管理責信度資訊揭露企業治理Nonprofit OrganizationsEarnings ManagementAccounting ManipulationAccountabilityCorporate Governance
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 200409 (2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學第三部門研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 非營利管理的薪酬政策:代理理論的觀點
該期刊-下一篇 私立大學院校財務報表有用性之研究




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