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The Compensation Policy in Nonprofit Management: An Agency Theory Perspective
作者 孫煒
This paper is designed to employ agency theory to analyze the compensation components and standards of nonprofit organizations, and then advance the concrete suggestions on making the compensation policy of the nonprofit organization. According to the agency theory, the principal of the nonprofit organization can use the compensation policy as the mechanism of encouraging agencies, the paid staff, to work in the interests of the principals. In terms of the characteristics of the nonprofit organizations, this kind of organizations stresses some points while making the compensation policy: first, in the light of compensation, the nonprofit organization can utilize the mechanism of performance-based salary to stimulate the work motivation of the paid staff and to strengthen the organization's competitiveness. The variable pay based on the work performance better not possess a too high ratio in the whole salary. That is, the variable pay is suggested to be limited in the range of low or mild risk in order to maintain the value and mission of the non-profit organization. Second, the compensation of the non-profit organization's paid staff, especially the high-level managers, better be in the medium in order to attract excellent ones recognizing the value and commission of the nonprofit organization to devote themselves to the job. This is in accordance with the more unclear definition of the principal and somewhat opaque indication of work performance.
起訖頁 1-23
關鍵詞 非營利組織非營利管理代理理論薪酬政策nonprofit organizationnonprofit managementagency theorycompensation policy
刊名 第三部門學刊  
期數 200409 (2期)
出版單位 國立政治大學第三部門研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 美國非營利組織收益管理行為之分析




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