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政大智慧財產評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

The Study of Internet Piracy and Calculation of Piracy Rate in Taiwan
作者 鄭天澤彭日欣
隨著網路科技的高度發展以及民衆普遍缺乏智慧財產權的觀念與認知,使得網路侵權行為日趨嚴重,也成為政府在打擊盜版工作上最頭痛的問題。上網下載音樂或電影在現階段都屬侵權行為,這樣的侵權行為如何影響著我國影音著作的盜版率是本研究的主題。實證結果顯示,有上網下載者其平均盜版率明顯著高於未上網下載者;有上網下載者對智慧財產權的保護與認知顯著低於未上網下載者;此外,在政府的大力掃蕩以及燒錄機的普及下,民衆取得盜版品的管道已明顯由夜市、路邊攤、電腦商場等轉移到較不容易被取締的網際網路上。本研究也發現網路侵權已成為盜版品的主要源頭,而一般民衆對於網路侵權之認知也非常薄弱,政府有關單位宜儘早因應,研擬有效方法來防範網路侵權進一步惡化。Due to the development of technology and the lack of concept and perception on intellectual property right, internet infringement has become one of the most serious problems in the anti-piracy work encountered by the government.Up till now, internet downloading of music and movies is still regarded as an infringement act and is subjected to law suit. The purpose of our research is to study how this kind of infringement act affects the music CD and visual DVD piracy rates of Taiwan. Our empirical results indicate that the average piracy rate of internet music/movies downloaders is significant higher than that of those not downloading; The internet downloader has a significant lower proportion on the protection and perception of intellectual property right than those not downloading. Furthermore, due to the popularity of CD and DVD burners and the strong mop-up operation by the authority, the channels of obtaining pirated music CD and visual DVD apparently have already been transferred from the traditional night-market, computer mall, etc. into the internet which are much more difficult for the authority to ban. This research also finds that the internet infringement has already become the main source of the pirated music CD and visual DVD , and since the perception of general public towards internet infringement is still very weak , the relevant government authority should prepare in advance and propose effective methods to prevent the internet infringement from getting worse or even being uncontrollable.
起訖頁 49-62
關鍵詞 Piracy Rate
刊名 政大智慧財產評論  
期數 200504 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學智慧財產研究所
該期刊-上一篇 物品發明廠商智慧財產保護決策之分析
該期刊-下一篇 美國大學產學合作合約條款之研究




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