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The Analysis for Intellectual Property Protection Decision of Product Innovation Firm
作者 吳桂森
本研究係在我國專利法以及營業秘密法之法制下,政府能夠完全執法時,以物品發明 之廠商最大利潤及市場結構觀點,探討物品發明廠商對其智慧財產保護方式之決策。本文假設:(1)物品發明廠商其行為意向符合計劃行為理論;(2)市場結構為完全競爭、廠商獨占或是 家廠商之寡占;(3)發明物品在其產品生命週期中,各期市場規模為固定;(4)模仿廠商還原工程成功率隨著時間具有隨機的性質;(5)物品發明廠商申請專利權成功,則市場結構形成獨占;物品發明廠商申請專利權核駁,因為專利有關資料必須在專利權申請的18個月後公開,將促使模仿廠商還原工程更為容易,市場結構形成「發明專利早期公開制度」下之寡占;(6)物品發明廠商以營業秘密保護智慧財產,亦有模仿廠商還原工程成功而形成寡占的市場結構。本研究分析上述情況下,還原工程成功率、申請專利前後還原工程成功率之比值、專利申請核准機率等重要參數,得到各個參數的關係模式以及決策之臨界值。The Analysis for Intellectual Property Protection Decision of Product Innovation Firm. Under legal system such as our country's patent law and trade secret law, this study is an analysis of the optimal decision criteria of intellectual property protection style of product innovation firm.The basic assumptions of this study include: (1)behavior tendency of the decision makers is under theory of planned behavior, (2)market structures of innovation protuct are perfect competition , oligopoly and monopoly, (3)market size of every period of product life is fixed, (4)the success time of reverse engineering technology is random and the probability distribution of the number of the success of reverse engineering technology is Poisson probability distribution, (5)decision-making is a process with formal risk and decision analyses to provide decision support, followed by an informal managerial judgement and review process resulting in this decision.This paper establishes an optimization model for the decision-maketing process and chooses the alternatives which maximize profit for protect intellectual property rights, and indicates that important factors include: the success of reverse engineering technology, product life cycle, the change of reverse engineering technology of pre-grant publication, patent right period, and how to influence this decision criteria.
起訖頁 23-48
關鍵詞 Patent
刊名 政大智慧財產評論  
期數 200504 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學智慧財產研究所
該期刊-上一篇 保險也有專利嗎?
該期刊-下一篇 網路侵權行為與台灣地區盜版率




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