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政大智慧財產評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Construct Model of Knowledge-Based Economy Indicators
作者 陳智凱黃恆獎
本研究目標在於建立「知識經濟指標」之構念模型,依據相關文獻及利用探索性因素分析及二階驗證性因素分析,本研究結論認為「知識經濟指標」可以分為五大構面:一、企業經營環境構面:由資本形成及貿易、經營環境框架等因素組成。二、創新系統構面:由創新投入、創新精神等因素組成。三、人力資源發展構面:由教育投資、人力結構、科專水準、開放競爭等因素組成。四、資訊通訊科技系統構面:由資訊基礎、通訊投資、MIPS能力等因素組成。五、績效指標構面:由創價貢獻、人力發展、就業生產等因素組成。本研究結果顯示,「知識經濟指標」總體構念模型之中,資訊通訊科技、人力資源發展、企業經營環境、創新系統最具關鍵影響力,必須優先列入考量,才能明確掌握知識經濟指標之構念內涵。Through theoretical and empirical study, this research focused primarily on the construct model of Knowledge-Based Economy (KBE) indicators. The analytical results have indicated that KBE construct model consisted of five parts: 1. Economic Incentive and Institutional regime: gross capital formation as % GDP and trade, business environment and local institutional regime. 2. Innovation system: innovation input, and innovation entrepreneurship. 3. Education and human resources: educational investment, human structure, extent of mathematics and science, extent of open competitiveness. 4. Information infrastructure: information structure, investment in telecom, rating of computer processing power as % of total worldwide MIPS. 5. Performance indicators: innovalue endowment, human resources development, employment and productivity. Finally, this study concluded that, in order to construct the model of KBE, one needed to look into the essentiality of innovation system, education and human resources, information infrastructure factors all together.
起訖頁 130-151
關鍵詞 知識經濟
刊名 政大智慧財產評論  
期數 200504 (3:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學智慧財產研究所
該期刊-上一篇 建立鈾型企業的創新經營模式--以Gen Con公司為例




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