201912 (64:4期) Newly discovered native orchids of Taiwan (XIV)
201909 (64:3期) Cynanchum brevipedunculatum
201906 (64:2期) Passiflora menghaiensis
201903 (64:1期) Enterographa assamica
201812 (63:4期) Striga crispata sp. nov. (Orobanchaceae)
201809 (63:3期) Aristolochia tongbiguanensis
201806 (63:2期) Pollination ecology of Bidens pilosa L.
201803 (63:1期) Notes on Cyperaceae from Myanmar. Part 2
201712 (62:4期) A new taxon of Lysionotus (Gesneriaceae)
201709 (62:3期) Eleven new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae)