200409 (19期) WTO下兩岸政治互動之發展與意涵
200403 (18期) 臺灣大學生政治定向的持續與變遷
200309 (17期) 政治科學中形式理論的運用與瓶頸從賽局理論談起
200303 (16期) Capturing the Image of Justice between Generations
200209 (15期) Why American Presidents Use Military Force
200203 (14期) The European Court and the European Convention of
200109 (13期) The Effects of a Diverse Campus on Ethnic Identity
200103 (12期) Kosova/oThe Prospects for the Respect of Human Rig
200009 (11期) House Party Leadership Selection, 1959-1994
199909 (10期) Debating Asian Values: Saying Too Little or Saying