護理雜誌 The Journal of Nursing |
202408 (71:4期)期所有篇 |
- 遊戲產品--創新護理教育與臨床訓練的路徑 Game Products: Innovative Pathways for Nursing Education and Clinical Training
- 開拓臨床實務與知能的新途徑--遊戲式護理教學應用 New Horizons for Clinical Practice and Competence: Applying Game-Based Learning in Nursing Education
- 遊戲化教學運用在護理教育 Gamification and Game-Based Learning in Nursing Education
- 悅趣化教學之多元化發展與臨床運用 The Diverse Development and Clinical Application of Game-Based Learning
- 快樂學習於老年人運動效益之應用--以「遊戲」策略為例 The Efficacy of Joyful Learning on Exercise in Older Adults: The GAME Strategy
- 台灣護理倫理規範修訂 Revising the Taiwan Code of Ethics for Nurses
- 後疫情時代護理人員的工作壓力、工作滿意度與韌性之相關性與預測因子 The Correlates and Predictive Factors of Work Stress, Job Satisfaction, and Resilience in Nurses in the Post-COVID-19 Era
- 初診斷肺癌病人接受手術期間經絡能量、生活品質變化與預後關聯性--縱貫性研究 Associations Among Changes in Meridian Energy, Quality of Life During Surgery, and Prognoses in Newly Diagnosed Lung Cancer Patients: A Longitudinal Study
- 非侵入性穴位療法改善透析病人尿毒搔癢成效之系統性文獻回顧暨統合分析 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Non-Invasive Acupoint Therapy as an Approach to Urinary Itching Control in Dialysis Patients
- 運用精實管理改善加護病房COVID-19病人入院護理流程 Using Lean Management to Improve the Nursing Admission Process for COVID-19 Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
- 運用多元策略提升肝臟移植術後病人用藥認知 Using Multiple Strategies to Improve Medication Cognition in Patients After Liver Transplantation
- 胚胎著床前基因診斷的倫理思辨 Ethical Reflections on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnoses
- 運用轉銜理論協助罹患先天性複雜型腹裂嬰兒家庭之護理經驗 Nursing Experience Applying Transition Theory to Assist the Family of an Infant With Complex Congenital Gastroschisis