臺灣社會工作學刊 Taiwanese Social Work |
201001 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣兒童貧窮不均度的變遷:以迴歸為基礎的夏普利值分解法分析影響因素 Temporal Changes in Taiwanese Child Poverty Inequality: Regression-Based Shapely Value Decomposing Influence Factors
- 隱而未見的代價:臺灣社會工作短期契約僱用探析 The Invisible Cost: The Causal and Contracted Social Workers in Taiwan
- 治療性遊戲團體方案對降低唇顎裂兒童牙床植骨手術住院焦慮效果之初探研究 A Preliminary Study of the Hospital Anxiety Reduction Effect of the Therapeutic Play Group Program on the Cleft Lip and Palate Children Facing the Alveolar Bone Graft
- 探討「良師益友方案」作為協助性傾向弱勢青少年之實務策略 Discussion of Mentoring Program Used as Practice Strategy to Help Sexuality Minority Adolescents
- 電話輔導於自殺防治的成效與限制 Effectiveness and Limitation of Telephone Guidance on Suicide Prevention