護理之家住民家屬對居家照顧服務的認知與需求及相關因素之探討 Recognition with Demand and the Relative Factors of Home Care Services among Nursing Home Residents’Family
建構醫院目標管理制度之研究──以某區域級教學醫院為例 A Study on Constructing the Management by Objectives in Hospitals: the case of a Regional Teaching Hospital
全民健保實施對社經狀況不同地區的國民死亡率影響之研究──以時間數列分析 Socioeconomic status differences in ‘avoidabl’ mortality under national health insurance in Taiwan: Time series analysis
自我效能理論之分析與應用 The Analysis and Application of Self-Efficacy Theory
強迫症心理治療個案報告 A Case Report: Psychotherapy of a Patient with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
照顧一位長期血液透析患者心理社會問題之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience With a Patient Who Long-Term Hemodialysis of the Psychosocial Problem
成人預防保健依時完成第二階段健檢改善專案 A Project to improve second stage return for Preventive Health Service for Elderly