經濟殖民、大眾消費與進口現代性:臺灣殖民經濟小說及其性別次文本(1972-1982) Economic Colonization, Mass Consumption, and Imported Modernity: Taiwanese Colonial Economic Fiction and Its Gender Subtext (1972-1982)
非關索隱,非關自傳:以巴塔耶的愛慾論觀電影《色│戒》與小說〈色,戒〉 Not the Puzzle-Out-Obscure-Meanings and Autobiographic Approach: "Lust|Caution", Interpreted by Bataille's Theory of Eroticism
扮裝臺灣:《行過洛津》的跨性別飄浪與國族寓言 Taiwan Cross-Dressed: Transgender Diaspora and National Allegory in "Passing through Luo-chin"
觀看香港的方法:論西西《飛氈》的地方意識與敘事策略 The Way of Representing Hong Kong: Examining the Local Consciousness and the Strategy of Narrative in Xi Xi's Novel