華語文教學研究 Journal of Chinese Language Teaching |
201806 (15:2期)期所有篇 |
- 英語學習者的中英文音韻處理大腦反應與英文字詞辨識表現之關聯性 Relationships between Electrophysiological Correlates of First and Second Language Phonological Processing Skills and Second Language Word Reading Profi ciency in Late L2 Learners
- 英語母語者習得華語結果式複合動詞之研究:聚焦第一語言對第二語言習得的影響 L1 English Speakers’ Learning of Mandarin RVCs: Focusing on L1 Infl uence in L2 Acquisition
- 二語語法處理的多重支援機制:事件相關電位研究 Multiple Scaffolding Mechanisms for L2 Syntactic Processing: An Event-related Potential Study
- 華語學習者詞彙廣度與深度知識測試之設計初探 A Preliminary Test Design of Breadth and Depth of Vocabulary Knowledge for Chinese L2 Learners