道家的自然體驗與冥契主義――神秘.悖論.自然.倫理 Natural Experiences and Mysticism of Daoism: Mystery, Paradox, Nature, Ethics
《釋名》聲訓所反映的聲母現象研究 A Study on the Initial System of Sound Glosses in Shiming
骸骨與銘刻――論黃錦樹、郁達夫與流亡詩學 Skeleton and Inscription: A Study of Ng Kimchew, Yu Dafu and Exile Poetics
泰山與太和山的香稅徵收、管理與運用 Incense Tax Collection, Management, and Usage of Mt. Tai and Mt. Taihe during the Ming and Qing Dynasties
寓教於覽――戰後臺灣展覽活動與「臺灣省博覽會」(1945~1948) Visual Didacticism in Postwar Taiwan, 1945-1948: Exhibition Activities and the 1948 Provincial Exposition
關於臺灣客家建築的根源及其型態的特徵 Hakkanese Architecture in Taiwan: Origins and Characteristics
從喬凡尼.卡斯蒂利歐內的舊約遷徙作品看17世紀古典繪畫理論 The “Biblico Viaggio Patriarcale” of Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione as a Reflection on 17th Century Classical Painting Theory