資訊社會研究 Journal of Cyber Culture and Information Society
201601 (30期)期所有篇
虛擬攝影棚在台灣電視節目製作之替代效果研究 Substitution Effects of Virtual Studios on Taiwanese TV Broadcasting
品牌個性與自我概念一致性對於品牌態度之影響——以台灣購物網站為例 The congruence between brand personality and self-concept and its effect on consumer's attitude towards online shopping
電子時代的現場表演:不同世代閱聽人「現場感」初探 Live performance in a digital age: An exploration analysis for audience's perceptions of liveness
恐怖電影的享樂感:混合情緒的觀點 The enjoyment of horror movies: The mixed emotions account