勞資關係論叢 Journal of Labor Studies |
201612 (18:2期)期所有篇 |
- 台商企業大陸子公司人力資源管理實務與幹部本土化成功關係研究:組織信任與文化差異的干擾效果 Empirical Study of Human Resource Management Practices and Managers’ Successful Localizations in Taiwanese Companies’ Subsidiaries in China: The Moderating Effects of Organizational Trust and Cultural Difference
- 以Q方法探討家具業務人員認知其職能類型之研究 AQ Method Study on the Cognitive Styles of Competency of Furniture Salesmen
- 探討知覺組織支持與離職傾向、服務導向組織公民行為之關係-以正向心情與負向心情為中介效果 Exploring the Relationships between Perceived Organizational Support and Service-oriented Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Turnover Intention: The mediating effect of Positive Moods and Negative Moods