體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202012 (53:4期)期所有篇 |
- 虛擬實境輔助體育課羽球教學之研究 Virtual reality-based badminton teaching in physical education courses
- 準教師的能力與應屆獲得體育教師職務之關聯性 The association between competence and first-year employment in physical education
- 十二週阻力訓練對健康高齡者體脂肪與脂肪相關發炎細胞激素的影響 Effects of 12 weeks of resistance training on body fat and adipose-related inflammatory cytokines in healthy older adults
- 老年人肌肉減少症指標與血液抗發炎/發炎指標之關係研究 The relationship between sarcopenia and pro/ anti-inflammatory cytokines in the elderly people
- 下肢肢段參數與自主轉換速度的相關分析 The correlation between lower limb anthropometric parameters and preferred transition speed
- 應用文字探勘法分析大數據時代體育研究發展趨勢 Application of the text mining method to analyze the development trends of sports research in the era of big data
- 企業探索訓練之訓練移轉模式 The training transfer of corporate adventure training of enterprises across time
- 視覺障礙者的身體活動及其個人及環境之阻礙和促進因素 Objectively measured physical activity and associated factors in individuals with visual impairments