體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202003 (53:1期)期所有篇 |
- 慢性中風病人的運動復健與營養增補策略:可能生理機制與實務應用初探 The rehabilitation exercise and nutrition/ supplement strategy in chronic stroke survivor: Possible physiological mechanisms and practical applications
- 青少年靜態行為與睡眠之系統性文獻回顧 A systematic review on sedentary behavior and sleep among adolescents
- 兩週高強度羽球步法間歇訓練對心肺與敏捷性之效果 Cardiorespiratory fitness and agility after 2-week high-intensity footwork interval training in badminton players
- 動態貼布對踝關節不穩定運動員在高臺落地動作的影響 The influence of dynamic taping on landing strategy from platform in athletes with ankle instability
- 以科技接受模式探討使用APP觀賞運動賽事消費者之行為意圖 A study on using the technology acceptance model to explore the behavioral intentions of consumers using APP to watch sports events
- 球隊認同感、對贊助商態度與休閒效益:口碑意願型態的中介效果 Fan's team identification, attitude towards sponsor, and leisure benefits: The mediation effect of different word of mouth intention types
- 學校運動教練訓練知識之研究 Research on the coaching knowledge of school athletic coaches
- 「份」:臺灣雜技演員的身體技能 "Fen" : Taiwan acrobat's physical skills