臺灣史研究 Taiwan Historical Research |
200412 (11:2期)期所有篇 |
- 日治時期臺灣人的海外活動--在「滿洲」的臺灣醫生 Activities of Overseas Taiwanese during Japanese Colonization - Taiwanese Physicians in Manchuria
- 林學、資本主義與邊區統治:日治時期林野調查與整理事業的再思考 Modern Forestry, Capitalism and the Governance of Frontier: Some Reconsideration of the Investigation and Arrangement of Rinya in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period
- 尋找歷史的軌跡:臺灣新、舊文學的承接與過渡(1895-1924) Tracing the Track in History: Continuance and Transition of Taiwanese Old and N ew Literature (1895-1924)
- 日治時期臺灣瘧疾防遏政策--「對人法」?「對蚊法」? Anti-parasite vs. Anti-mosquito - Anti-malaria Program in Colonial Taiwan
- 土地行政與契約文書--臺灣總督府檔案抄存契約文書解題 Land Administration and Land Documents - An Introduction to the Transcribed Land Documents in the Taiwan Sõtokufu Archives