運輸學刊 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation |
201709 (29:3 期)期所有篇 |
- 英語授課指標暨多年期英語運輸課程教學評量之探討 Investigation of English-medium Instruction Indicators and Chronic Teaching Evaluation on English-taught Transportation Courses
- 航空公司貨運聯盟之航網規劃:以模糊合作競局與網路規劃模式求解 Airline Cargo Alliance and Allied Flight Network Analysis using the Fuzzy Cooperative Game and Flight Frequency Programming
- 預約抽籤式之鐵路訂票尋優演算法 Heuristics for Railway Booking System based on a Reservation-Sortition Scheme
- 應用手機駕駛遊戲於機車安全學習成效之評估 Evaluating the Learning Effect of Motorcycle Safety Games