運輸學刊 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation
201309 (25:3期)期所有篇
應用修正式蜂群最佳化演算法求解撥召問題--以復康巴士問題為例 A Modified Bee Colony Optimization for the Dial-a-Ride Problem - A Case Study of Fu-Kang Bus
整合羅吉特模式與聯合分析法構建網路拍賣消費者選擇配送商品模型 An Integrated Model for Online Auctioneer's Choice Behavior of Delivery Provider Selection Based on Logit Model and Conjoint Analysis
應用條件逆矩陣方法推估依時性起迄對旅次矩陣之研究 A Conditional Inverse Approach for Inferring Time-dependent Origin-Destination Trip Matrices
B演算法應用於彈性需求整合模型之研究 Solving the Variable Demand Combined Model Using the B Algorithm
以測試車調查都市幹道旅行速率之誤差分析 Errors in Using Test Cars for Estimating Average Travel Speeds on Urban Arterials