新聞學研究 Mass Communication Research |
202310 (157期)期所有篇 |
- 反思帶病的身體:經驗知識觀點 Reflection on the sick body from the viewpoint of experiential knowledge
- 分析程序化廣告交易如何弱化新聞媒體:臺灣在地研究初探 Analyzing the Weakness of News Publishers in Programmatic Advertising: Exploratory Research in Taiwan
- 「科學視覺化」轉向?以1980年代科普雜誌《牛頓》為析論核心 A Shift Toward“Scientific Visualization”: Taking the popular science magazine Newton in the 1980s as the core of analysis
- 從「勞動權益」到「新聞專業」:自立事件的起源、過程與遺緒 From“Labor Rights”to“Professionalism”: The Origin, Process, and Legacy of“The Independent Post Incident”