彰化永靖及埔心地區閩客族群裔的空間分布特色之研究 The Characteristics of Spatial distribution of The Hakka and Southern Min's Descendants in Yongjing and Puxin Region, Changhua County
利用自願性地理資訊培養學童的地方感:從苗栗小學生得到的經驗 Developing Children's Sense of Place through Volunteered Geographic Information : Lessons Learned from the Pupils in Miaoli County
臺灣最早的漢人祖籍別與族群分布:1901年「關於本島發達之沿革調查」統計資料的圖像化 The First Features of Taiwanese Ancestral Places and Ethnis Distributions in the Beginning of the 20th Century : Graphical Presentation of the Statistic Data from Relative Investigations of Formosa Development and History by the Taiwan Sotokufu in 1901