地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201011 (53期)期所有篇 |
- 帛琉臺灣漁業基地:漁場與日本市場的連結 Taiwna's Fishing Landing Base in Palau-The Linkage between Fishing Grounds and Japan Market
- 臺中市搶奪犯罪熱點與犯罪區位之空間分析 The Spatial Analysis of the Robbery Hot Spot and Crime Location in Taichung city
- 權力、空間與象徵:大甲鎮瀾宮的進香路線 Power, Space and Symbol : The Pilgrimage Route of Dajia Jhenlan Temple
- 經建版地形圖和像片基本圖在濱線繪製上的應用與限制 Shoreline Change and Shoreline Mapping by Using of Topographical Maps and Orthogonal Maps