人文研究學報 Journal of Humanistic Studies |
202010 (54:0期)期所有篇 |
- 《春秋經》與《左傳》「卿」之身分判準考論——受周天子或他國國君「宴」者為卿 The Research on Qualification of "Qing" from Spring & Autumn Classics and Zuo Zhuan - Those Who Were Feasted by Emperor Zhou or Other Monarchs Were "Qing"
- 以哲學入騷—試論王夫之《楚辭通釋》之楚辭學詮釋 The Philosophy in Chu Ci Studies: The Exegesis of Chu Ci Studies in Wang Fu-chih's A Comprehensive Commentary of the Chu Ci.
- 走在文學回鄉的路上——論阿盛《海角相雨》的鄉土意蘊 Walking on the way of literature back to hometown— On the Local Implication of A Sheng's "Cape Acacia Rain"