理工研究國際期刊 International Journal of Science and Engineering
201212 (2:4期)期所有篇
瑞雷衰減通道下應用時空區塊編碼之適應性數位視訊傳輸 Adaptive Digital Video Transmission with STBC over Rayleigh Fading Channels
新型2.4GHz頻率共平面波導透明天線 A New Coplanar Waveguide Fed Transparent Antenna at 2.4 GHz
性別差異在二維與三維物件辨識的效應:行為與事件相關電位的研究 The Impact of Gender Differences on Two-and Three-Dimensional Object Recognition: A Behavior and Event-Related Potentials Study
OSGi車載導航與座艙資訊娛樂之嵌入式系統設計與實作 Design and Implementation of Car Navigation and Cockpit Infotainment Embedded System on Open Service Gateway initiative
結合跨層設計之頻道分配演算法 Cross Layer Design of Multicasting and Channel Allocation for MCMR WMNs
植基於角隅偵測之輸入介面設計 Input Interface Design via Corner Features