視網膜下腔移植臍帶間質幹細胞可表現視網膜細胞標記並改善光照誘發之視網膜功能退化 Subretinal-transplanted Umbilical Mesenchymal Stem Cells Express Retinal Cell Markers and Reverse Retinal Function Loss in a Light-induced Retinopathy Model
CHARGE 症候群新生兒合併特殊眼病症 Novel ophthalmic findings in a newborn with CHARGE syndrome
復發型延長性黃疸在暴露於母乳巨細胞病毒的足月新生兒之案例報告 Prolonged and Recurrent Jaundice in a Full-term Infant Exposed to Cytomegalovirus in Breast Milk
顱骨海綿狀血管瘤:罕見個案報告 Calvarial cavernous hemangioma: A rare case report
鞏膜扣壓手術後發生之眼窩汗腺囊腫 Sudoriferous cyst of the orbit after scleral buckling
天然抗血小板化合物應用於血栓的治療:其分子機轉的探討 Natural Antiplatelet Drugs in Thrombosis Treatment: Prospective Molecular Mechanisms