臺灣社會學刊 Taiwanese Journal of Sociology |
202206 (71期)期所有篇 |
- 地方教育如何為鄉村發展增能?兼論美濃如何使其可能 How Local Education Empowers Rural Development: A Case Study of Meinong
- 不考試,公平嗎?以全國考招資料檢視多元入學公平性 Fairness of Nontraditional Paths to Higher Education: An Analysis of Administrative Data
- 轉型正義的社會基礎 The Social Bases of Transitional Justice
- 回應與對話,書評:《危殆生活:無家者的社會世界與幫助網絡》 Response and Dialogue. Book Review. Precarious Living: Homeless People and the Helping Networks in Taiwan. By Ke-Hsien Huang. Taipei: Spring Hill Publishing. 2021.