聖文中的身/剩體:牛津博德利圖書館MS Douce 80手抄本旁注圖像中非人/廢人的綠色再生閱讀 The Salvaged Body in Salvific Texts: A Green Reading of the Non-Humans and Marginalia of a Fifteenth-Century Book of Hours, Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 80
聖文中的身/剩體:牛津博德利圖書館MS Douce 80手抄本旁注圖像中非人/廢人的綠色再生閱讀 The Salvaged Body in Salvific Texts: A Green Reading of the Non-Humans and Marginalia of a Fifteenth-Century Book of Hours, Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 80
荒原上的召喚:勃朗締家族之文學志業 Interpellation on the Moors: The Literary Calling of the Brontës
荒原上的召喚:勃朗締家族之文學志業 Interpellation on the Moors: The Literary Calling of the Brontës
蘭姆書寫中的老年與退休 Ageing and Retirement in Charles Lamb’s Writings
蘭姆書寫中的老年與退休 Ageing and Retirement in Charles Lamb’s Writings
政治之閾:論貝克特《粗略的廣播劇二》與《災難》中的失語/困境 The Politics of the Threshold: Theorizing Aporia in Samuel Beckett’s Rough for Radio II and Catastrophe
政治之閾:論貝克特《粗略的廣播劇二》與《災難》中的失語/困境 The Politics of the Threshold: Theorizing Aporia in Samuel Beckett’s Rough for Radio II and Catastrophe
從跨族裔談起:《野草花》之日美遷徙營敘事和「新墾民」身分建構與生態批評 Narrating Cross-Racial Construction of Pioneer Identity and Eco-Critical Subject in Cynthia Kadohata’s Weedflower
從跨族裔談起:《野草花》之日美遷徙營敘事和「新墾民」身分建構與生態批評 Narrating Cross-Racial Construction of Pioneer Identity and Eco-Critical Subject in Cynthia Kadohata’s Weedflower