東吳經濟商學學報 Soochow Journal of Economics and Business |
202106 (102期)期所有篇 |
- 綠色包裝?消費者自我形象一致性與綠色知識對綠色產品態度與購買意願之影響 Does Green Packaging Matter? Investigating on Consumer Self-image Congruity and Green Knowledge toward Attitude and Purchase Intention
- 消費者綠色消費意識對知覺犧牲、知覺利益與購買意圖關係上的干擾效果—以品牌產品的空瓶回收獎勵活動為例 "The Moderating Effect of Green Consumerism Con-sciousness on the Relationship of Perceived Sacrifice, Perceived Benefit, and Purchase Intention—The Con-text of In-Store Product Recycling Programs"
- 休閒農場遊客不當遊憩行為動機與行為之永續管理策略之研究 The Sustainable Management Strategy for Inappro-priate Customer’s Recreational Motives and Behavior in the Leisure Farm.