東吳哲學學報 Soochow Journal of Philosophical Studies |
202002 (41期)期所有篇 |
- 論將規範理由視為應然證據的正確方式 On How to Take Normative Reasons to be Evidence about Oughts
- 孟子式的道德行動觀與道德情感──倪德衛與牟宗三 The Mencian Idea of Moral Action and Moral Feeling-David S. Nivison and Mou Zongsan
- 「如愚」與「木雞承蜩」:論王龍溪「莊子儒門」說之思想意蘊 “Slow-wittedness" and “Wooden Cocks Catching Cicadas": On Wang Longxi's View
- 和其光而知來者:評黃冠閔著《感通與迴盪:唐君毅哲學論探》 Attempering the Brightness and Realizing the Reverberation: A Review of Kuan-Min Huang's Affective Communication and Reverberation: Investigations on TANG Jun-yi's Philosophy