東亞論壇 East-Asia Review |
200709 (457期)期所有篇 |
- 逝江省開放度和城市化對經濟成長影響的實證分析 The Relationship of Economic Growth, Opening Degree and Urbanization: Empirical Research of Zhejiang
- 運用PLS探討兩岸三地千大公司經營指標之特徵 Exploring the Critical Patterns of Top 1000 Corporate Rankings across the Taiwan Strait Using the PLS
- 2008北京奧運對大陸宏觀經濟發展影響之分析 Study on the possible influences Toward The Macroeconomic Development Through 2008 Beijing Olympic Games in Mainland China
- 論臺灣在東海權益的爭取空間 A Study on How Taiwan Should Claim Its Right on East
- 日本式企業經營論之比較研究--以間宏教授及津田真澂教授之理論為中心 Comparison Research on the Hiroshi HAZAMA'S & Masumi TSUDA'S Theories of Japanese Business Management
- 日本的經濟管制政策與司法審查 The Economic Regulatory Policy and Judicial Review in Japan
- 日本明治以來的天皇及其年號簡介 Japanese Emperors since the Meiji Period